How much are the deductions for building renovations and for energy efficiency?

The Development Decree (DL 83/2012) has completed its process of converting. Became law was published in the Official Gazette (Law 134/2012). Here's the bonus for working on renewed energy efficiency and building renovations.

The deduction of 50% for the costs of building renovation

For it no change during the process of conversion, remains as determined by the Development Decree (Article 11). In summary, the bonus income tax of 36% goes to 50%, with expenditure ceiling duplicated, and therefore amounted to EUR 96 thousand. Benefit that will last until 30 June 2013, and then decreased to 36% from 1 July 2013 (cost cap back to 48 thousand euro).

As for the ongoing renovations, worth the clarification of the Ministry of Economy, it is necessary 'to refer to a cash basis and, therefore, the date of actual payment, regardless of the date of commencement of operations which the payments relate. "

The deduction for the costs of energy efficiency (55%)

The deduction for the costs of upgrading the energy efficiency will remain at 55% until 30 June 2013. After that date - if there are no further regulatory developments - the bonus will be only 36% and will only affect 'the expenditure aimed at achieving energy savings with particular regard to the installation of plants using renewable ", as established by the Income Tax Code (Act on Taxation of Income - art. 16a).

The deduction of 55% may be required, as it has always been, if only the efficiency respects defaults, those established by Articles. 344-347, Law 296/2006. In summary: upgrading the energy efficiency of existing buildings, as long as you realize annual savings of primary energy for space heating of at least 20%, interventions on, with respect for the values of transmittance defined by law; installation of solar panels, replacing winter heating systems.

The maximum deductible not change and return to the limits set before the entry into force of the Decree:

- € 100,000 for upgrading the energy efficiency of existing buildings (55% of € 181.818,18)

- € 60,000 for work on the building envelopes (55% of € 109.090,90)

- € 60,000 for the installation of solar panels (55% of € 109.090,90)

- € 30,000 for the replacement of winter heating systems (55% of EUR 54,545.45).

The structural deduction of 36% for the costs of energy efficiency

The Development Decree has taken steps to unlock it. Inserted by Decree Save Income Tax Code in Italy, was to take effect from 1 January 2013, however it would be Habitable even now, because they already unlocked retrospectively, from January 1, 2012. The deduction as stated in the paragraph 1, letter h article 16 bis of the Consolidated Income Tax Act, concerns the 'realization of works aimed at achieving energy savings with particular regard to the installation of plants using renewable sources of energy. " Works that "can be realized even in the absence of building works properly so called."

So the deduction structural covers a much broader series compared to the benefit of 55%. It would be very interesting, considering that the Development Decree has provided not only to unlock it but also to raise it to 50% until 30 June 2013, also by raising the spending ceiling from 48 thousand to 96 thousand euro. (After June 30, 2013 will return to 36% with a spending limit of EUR 48 thousand).

Unfortunately, however, the law still does not give clear guidance to be able to take advantage. Also through the ITCA know that you need to acquire "appropriate documentation certifying the achievement of energy savings under the current legislation," and nothing else. We thus expect explanations, which probably will arrive by the Inland Revenue.




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