How to get a personal loan of honor and who can use them?

The funding system provides the favorable conditions for certain categories, such as young people and women. Fits into this perspective, the so-called honor loans, introduced by Decree Law 185 of 21/04/1985.

This particular type of loan was created to encourage entrepreneurship in the regions of South Italia.Ne can benefit self-employed, small businesses (partnerships, on a collective or limited partnership, the new constitution) and franchise business.

Minimum requirement of access for small businesses is that 50% of members with at least 50% of shares at the time of the request has reached the age of majority is not occupied by at least 6 months, has the residence from January 1, 2000 in the areas designated as disadvantaged and where there is an imbalance between demand and supply of labor. Specifically it is the regions under the EU Structural Funds, as listed in the Council Regulation of 20 July 1993 n.2081 and then Molise, Campania, Puglia, Basilicata, Calabria, Sicily and Sardinia.

Areas covered under Objective II in derogation Molise, Abruzzo and a number of municipalities in the north of Italy. The loans can be up to a maximum of € 129,114.00 to cover the expenditure for equipment, machinery, equipment and connections or renovation of buildings (at 10%).

For the franchise instead, the Decree Law provides for the loan of honor for the creation of any type of company, except for cooperatives and societies in fact, the eligibility requirements are the same as specified for micro-enterprises.

Finally, the category of self-employed workers, are financed projects of creating a sole proprietorship, are also confirmed in this case, of the subjective conditions of the previous two categories, except, of course, the entry relating to members and shares. The loan may be granted for a maximum of EUR 25,823.00.

The contribution is divided into two parts based on updates of the Legislative Decree no. 185/2000 50% of the total investment is repayable while the remaining 50% is granted in the form of loan. The interest rate applied is equal to 30% of the reference rate applicable in accordance with Community legislation at the time of conclusion of the contract. To be eligible for grant funding 100% of the operating expenses of the first year of headings purchase of raw materials, semi-finished and finished products, utilities and rents for real estate, financial expenses, excluding interest charges on the loan . The ceiling is 12 thousand euro. Are not eligible expenses for the payment of salaries.

And 'obligation of the beneficiary to reserve the money for the intended use and maintain the business for a minimum period of 5 years.

Given the cuts to scholarships that undermine the right to study, to honor loans were also admitted undergraduate students. The funding in these cases must be functional to the payment of a course or master. In the U.S., however, this system of student loans is showing the first flaws: according to data from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York in fact often students and parents fail to pay (even sixty) are forced into debt. William Brewer, president of the Association of competent lawyers for statements of consumer bankruptcy, said in this regard: "A loan of honor is like a ball and chain that you carry to the grave."

Currently, student loans in Italy for young people within the age of 35 are managed by Invitalia, the Agency for inward investment and enterprise development. The application must be made on the website of the Agency and that the requirements with any of that claim is evaluated within six months. Within 5 days following completion of the online application should be sent by registered A / R attachments paper downloaded from the site and the original copy of the estimates relating to investment carried at Invitalia Self-employment, via Pietro Boccanelli 30, 00138 Rome.




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