Building renovations for which deduction is 50% (3/4)

In individual units

Of individual units of residential buildings of any category cadastral and also on their appliances are valid the following interventions (as defined in the 'Article 3 of the Uniform Housing DPR 380/01):

- Special maintenance (art. b)

- Restoration and rebuilding (art. c)

- Building Renovation (art. d)

The individual units can not deduct the routine maintenance unless the same is included in other interventions that fall under maintenance.

For example:

If I want to paint the my house, change the walls of the bathrooms, the living room floor and all windows return between routine maintenance and then (even if the work is long and expensive) are not allowed to deduct 36%.

If, however, together with the works listed above demolish a wall (for example, to combine the kitchen with living room) back in the routine maintenance and I can deduct all work (even those who were initially excluded).

The difference between ordinary and extraordinary maintenance is not easy to understand. More information and details in this article on 'building activity free

Common parts of residential buildings

On the common parts (indicated in 1117, numbers 1, 2 and 3 of the Civil Code) of the residential buildings are allowed the following actions:

- Routine maintenance (art. a)

- Special maintenance (art. b)

- Restoration and rebuilding (art. c)

- Building Renovation (art. d)

So unlike the individual units, in the common parts of residential buildings are also included routine maintenance. The costs will be divided among the owners according to the thousandths.

You can also access the deduction

- For reconstruction or restoration of the property after calamitous event and contextual declaration of a state of emergency.

- For the installation of lifts or elevators for the elimination of architectural barriers

- For the realization of parking spaces appurtenant and / or garages

- Interventions building useful to improve the mobility of severely handicapped

- For the costs of removal and disposal of asbestos

- For interventions aimed at preventing domestic accidents (eg non-compliant plants, installing handrails, etc.)

- Measures needed to prevent illegal prosecution as theft or assaults in the home (doors, safes, gates)

- To design costs, appraisals, surveys, business expenses

- The expenses for the purchase of materials

- The costs of building permits and for the infrastructure costs

They can, therefore, be useful basis for calculating the count of the tax:

- The cost of planning the work

- L 'purchase of the materials used for the renovation

- Costs relating to execution of the work and other professional services required,

- The report of compliance for facilities

- The expert opinions, the inspections

The fees paid to obtain authorizations, declarations login, concessions, and even the stamps on the documentation, the infrastructure costs.

And for the VAT (value added tax)?

Even the VAT paid on the work (normally 10% of the tax base) may fall within the calculation of what constitutes the scope of tax savings, resulting in increased redemptions.

Deduction and House Plan

The housing plan is legislation which, in derogation from existing planning instruments, allows to expand the property. The Law grants bonus volumetric even if the building is demolished and rebuilt.

The Inland Revenue has specified how to apply the tax deduction in case of interventions that fall into the housing plan.

- In case of only involving the expansion, without any part of the restructuring of the existing building is not accessible to deduct.

- In cases of expansion and renovation of the existing you can take advantage of the deduction only for the part of existing property

- In case of demolition and reconstruction with expansion does not apply the deduction because the surgery is considered as a "new construction."

- In case of demolition-reconstruction alone you can take advantage of the deduction is maintained only if the shape of the pre-existence.




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