Compulsory maintenance boiler: what is the maintenance book, what should it contain and what checks must be carried out periodically?
Since 1 August 1994 became mandatory in the absence of specific instructions from the manufacturer, make, on a yearly basis, the maintenance of thermal plants. In addition, every two years, must be carried out, a smoke test, according to UNI 10389, to check the efficiency of the boiler system and efficiency of
On the occasion of performing the test smoke biennial maintenance will apply to the booklet of installation, upon payment of € 5.16, the sticker regional certification that the check. Always by the maintainer is the delivery to the Service Environment and Traffic of the required documentation.
This rule does not apply to stoves, fireplaces, radiators individual, single-family water heaters, boilers fired by solid fuel.
When the tests of maintenance and / or performance, the occupant of the property, must always be issued with the H duly completed by the maintainer, attesting to the successful operation. A copy of the model H must remain in the booklet of the boiler.
METHOD 'OF REQUEST: The request of maintenance mentioned above, which must be specified on the vehicle system, is entrusted to the occupier of the property and must be performed by qualified personnel according to the law n. 46/90, however, with suitable technical, economic and organizational.
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