Insurance that covers damage caused by gas leaks
They talk about it for a few months but it will be activated only from October 1, the new insurance against accidents caused by gas leaks. The insurance will cover injuries to people (maximum EUR 130 thousand), damage to buildings (maximum EUR 110 thousand) and / or property (maximum EUR 45 thousand), and all the consequences of civil liability (maximum 6.5 million) related to insured from accidents "that are a direct result of loss and / or leakage of gas distributed by network and caused by any event." Continue to be covered by the policy, civil users and industrial users and hospital complexes withdrawals lower, respectively, to 200,000 and 300,000 cubic meters per year.
Not all subjects can in fact benefit from this insurance coverage, and some in fact are excluded:
• final customers for natural gas characterized by an annual consumption of more than 200,000 cubic meters at standard conditions for industrial uses;
• final customers for natural gas characterized by an annual consumption of more than 300,000 cubic meters at standard conditions for hospital use;
• consumers of natural gas for vehicles.
In the event of a claim must be filled in the complaint form from the end users of the civil company, even in the case of accidents suffered by family members living and employees, arising from the use of gas supplied to them through a distribution system, downstream of the delivery point
To ensure that users are properly informed, the Authority for Electricity and Gas has asked suppliers to bring in the bill precise directions and toll of Cig (800929286) to contact all working days from 10 to 12 and from 14 to 17) for further information.
The Italian Gas Committee (IGC) has awarded the contract for the next three years to offer providing a discount of approximately 25% compared to the premium now in force (ranging from EUR 0,337 to EUR 0,2553 per user) and almost 30% compared with the starting price of € 0,363 per household.
Taking as reference the 18.8 million users involved, explain in a joint statement the Energy Authority and the Cig, you get a saving of around € 1.5 million a year, to which we must add another 120 thousand euro for the return at the end of February payment of the premium to the insurance company (as provided by the new policy).
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