
A short guide to financing for car purchase: overview of types, requirements to be able to request, difference between TAN and APR

The car finance has always been the most prevalent form of consumer credit. Loans to buy this car for many years have become part of the culture of the buyer of automobiles, whether it's new or used car. In the years of economic boom, the ability to purchase in installments allowed many Italians to become owners of their first car.

Today, applying for a loan to buy this car is now an established practice and in this regard the offer in this area has developed more and more, until you have many financial products on the market to choose from. This choice, however, if one side has fostered competition and therefore the underwriting of loans more attractive to the buyer, on the other hand makes it very difficult to wade through dozens of offers, interest rates and various terms.

Main features of the funding for the purchase new or used car or motorcycle: the rate, requirements, limits and types

Auto Financing

There are many people who do not have sufficient cash to buy a car, a motorcycle or a motor home require a loan for the payment of the same, and in this sense the Auto Financing is presented as a viable option to make the purchase of a new vehicle, used or zero km, in peace.

The Auto Financing, a loan Finalized, that is intended for the purchase of a particular and specific good or service may be required:

- The Bank;

- Institute of Credit;

- The Company Brand.

The purpose of the applicant is the time to buy a car (or another type of vehicle), and to then return the sum obtained by means of the payment of installments on a regular basis, monthly or half-yearly.

Building renovations for which deduction is 50% (3/4)

In individual units

Of individual units of residential buildings of any category cadastral and also on their appliances are valid the following interventions (as defined in the 'Article 3 of the Uniform Housing DPR 380/01):

- Special maintenance (art. b)

- Restoration and rebuilding (art. c)

- Building Renovation (art. d)

The individual units can not deduct the routine maintenance unless the same is included in other interventions that fall under maintenance.

Compulsory maintenance boiler: what is the maintenance book, what should it contain and what checks must be carried out periodically?

Since 1 August 1994 became mandatory in the absence of specific instructions from the manufacturer, make, on a yearly basis, the maintenance of thermal plants. In addition, every two years, must be carried out, a smoke test, according to UNI 10389, to check the efficiency of the boiler system and efficiency of

On the occasion of performing the test smoke biennial maintenance will apply to the booklet of installation, upon payment of € 5.16, the sticker regional certification that the check. Always by the maintainer is the delivery to the Service Environment and Traffic of the required documentation.

Rent home repair expenses: how they should be divided between landlord and tenant

Below we illustrate some general criteria on the costs of maintenance between the conductor (the "Tenant") and the lessor (the "Owner") for the duration of the lease of a property.

The basis of the criteria of allotment is given by the Civil Code, Articles 1575, 1576, 1609, which give the landlord the obligation to maintain the property in such a manner as to permit the use agreed. The handler, however, entitled to the supporting minor maintenance made necessary by the deterioration produced by the normal use of the property, which means that it is important to determine the way in which he has used it deteriorated.

Tips on how to choose the best mortgage for your first home

Choose the first home mortgage is not easy but by following a few rules you can get to find the financing best fits their needs.

First of all, one must know the parameters that make up the mortgage.

What parameters are to be considered in the first home loan?

The spread is the actual cost of each bank requires customers to the home loan first home. Added to this is the interest rate of the loan is required and so to define the fixed cost of the mortgage. Obviously, the lower will be the spread applied by the Bank, the lower the interest return on the mortgage.

What are the main types of mortgages available: fixed rate, variable rate, mixed rate constant rate and variable rate

When choosing your first home loan you have to make a useful assessment fits their needs and their own personal characteristics.

Among the first home mortgages offered by the bank are:

Fixed rate mortgage: a loan granted by the bank or financial company with a constant interest rate throughout the life of the mortgage. The fixed-rate loans have the repayment amount with a known constant over time since the inception of the contract.

Guide to the types of mortgages that you may require to buy, build or renovate a property and deductible costs

Since you can `01/01/1998 to deduct the interest expense paid in respect of mortgage loans for the construction of the property to be used as a principal residence

For main house `s mean one in which the taxpayer and / or his family normally resident there. The deduction is allowed to the extent of 19%, for a maximum amount of Euro 2,582.28 for each year `s tax, interest expense and related charges paid in respect of loan agreements entered into with persons resident in Italy or in a state `member of the European Union or with permanent establishments in Italy. In the case of joint proprietorship of a mortgage or in the presence of more than one contract, the amount referred to above `refers to the` maximum total amount of the deduction subject `s tax.

Procedure to take out a mortgage on the house

Many families, young couples married or cohabiting at the time of buying a house they decide to apply for a bank loan that allows them to spread the cost of the property over the course of several years (on average from 5 to 40 years). Generally, the amount of principal payable by the bank is calculated by considering how correct starting point for the amount of the repayment of the applicant, and the majority of banks covering 80% of the property value. Before you get a mortgage, however, will be presented a large number of documents which will then be evaluated carefully by the "lender" to decide whether the conditions necessary for the provision.

First, it is crucial to choose the bank can meet the needs of the "borrower", then at the same facility you can withdraw the application for mortgage real that will be completed in its entirety. This document is presented in the form of a questionnaire that focuses on a variety of information: Questions about family (household composition, dependents), applicants (data, current residence, employment, current employment, seniority, monthly and annual income) on house to buy and hypothetical current debts of applicants.

Home loans: what are the costs and expenses in case of portability, substitution and early repayment?

Captain cases in which banks ask for wide variety of reasons, for payment of charges not due to those who decide to transfer or pay off their mortgage early.

The Law n. 40 of 2007 Urgent measures for the protection of consumers, the promotion of competition, the development of economic activities and the creation of new businesses (conversion of the famous Bersani Decree Law no. 7/2007), has virtually canceled those expenses. But this rule is not observed in some cases.

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