Guide to reading the energy bill

The total cost of the electricity bill is made up of a few main factors: energy quota, quota related to network service, general system charge and all taxes and fees attached.

The energy accounts for 60 percent on your electric bill

The energy quota, or the price of energy, is the component that has the greatest impact on the total amount of the bill. The incidence for an average user is about il60 per cent of the total. In particular, the cost refers to the costs incurred by the seller for the purchase and sale of electricity to the end user.

For the cost of the amount of energy consumed, we must make a distinction here:

• For customers who have opted for the free market energy costs are defined by the chosen supplier in the supply contract. About this, in fact, affect competition in the market among the various vendors

• For customers who have not opted for the free market, ie users in the enhanced protection (or protection), instead apply the tariffs set by 'AEEG, which are updated and redefined every three months creating an index to changes in the price of the international market.

For users who have opted for a supplier "private", then, the sale of energy includes not only the price of the energy consumed, the fixed portion of the sales service, which is the annual fixed fee (not dependent on consumption) for to marketing costs. E 'in practice, the actual gain factor of the seller / supplier.

The distribution accounts for 15 per cent on electricity bills

The second component is related to the network service. The network service is the set of all those infrastructures that guarantee the energy distribution from the national to the local level. A service that fulfills the electrical distributor (eg. Enel distribution), which ensures and monitors the delivery of energy from its production up to the counter of the end user. The service also includes the read service consumption and complex represents, roughly, for an end user average, 15 per cent of the cost of the energy bill.

The relevant items included in the bill are: "fixed", the "variable part" and the "share power."

Unlike the "share power", for which the customer can choose or not choose market prices, the cost of network services are established by the Authority and are consistent throughout Italy.

The system costs account for 7 percent on your electric bill

The third component consists of the general charges of the system itself that collect various "sub-items" divided in: Parts A, UC Components, Component MCT.

List of components and their uses:

A2 Decommissioning of nuclear power plants (and responses from territorial compensation)

A3 Promotion of renewable energy sources. This item includes, eg., The funds for the payment of incentives to solar photovoltaic


A4 Financing aimed to tariff subsidies

A5 Financing of Research and Development

A6 cover business costs incurred prior to the liberalization of the market

AS Financing tariffs protected (for disadvantaged users)

UC3 cover of equalization mechanisms of transmission services., Distribution, extent

UC4 Additions to the rates for the smaller electricity companies

UC7 Promotion of energy efficiency in final consumption

MCT Decommissioning of nuclear power plants (and responses from territorial compensation)

Taxes account for 14 percent on your electric bill

Last component, but for the third incidence, is that relating to the various taxation:

• the 'Excise duty (or "consumption tax") and its Additional, is applied to the amount of energy consumed and it is made easier for customers requiring the provision for the "first home"

• the VAT at 10 percent


One last news for the reading of the electricity bill

A final consideration is mandatory: July 1, 2010 came into force new two-tier tariffs on electricity prices for customers in the enhanced protection. Whereas before this option was optional, to date condition is extended to all users.

This tariff structure provides a lower cost of energy if consumed on weekdays from 19:00 to 8:00 in the morning or on Saturdays, Sundays or holidays (all day). The energy on the other hand a higher price during the hours and days "productive" of the week (from Monday to Friday from 8.00 to 19.00).

The shift to these new fare conditions is gradual and automatic.




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