Renewable energy: report of quota production from biomass
The GSE (Energy Services Manager) has published the book "Biomass - Statistical Report 2009," in which they are pitted the features and achievements of the biomass plants at the end of 2009. In Italy, in late 2009, there were 419 biomass plants with 2,019 MW of installed capacity and production, which reached 7.631GWh. In the Italian electricity system biomass contribute to 2.6% of the total production of electricity and account for 11, 1% of renewable energy production nationwide.
In the report biomass were analyzed according to the classification: solid biomass, biowaste, biogas and bioliquids. Overall, the facilities in 2009 increased by 67 units with a percentage increase of the gross maximum capacity equal to 29.8%. Over the last decade (between 1999 and 2009), the park biomass plants grew on average by 10.4% with regard to the number and 14.8% for the installed power. During this period, the average size of the plants grown from an average installed capacity of 3.2 MW in 1999 to 4.8 MW in 2009.
The main contribution to the installed capacity comes from plants fueled by solid biomass and municipal solid waste, with 1,255 MW of 62% of the total, while the biogas plants and those contributing to bioliquids respectively 378 MW and 385 MW.
From a geographic point there is a distribution of biomass plants in all the Italian regions, although with a strong concentration in three regions. In fact, more than half of the installed capacity is located in Lombardy (21% of plants and 23% of installed capacity), Emilia Romagna (15% of plants and 18% of installed capacity) and Campania (4% of the plants and 10% more power installed).
With regard to the production of biomass there is some spread in northern Italy, Emilia Romagna in the first place (19.3%). in central Italy Lazio with 2.7% presents the highest value, while in the South stand Apulia and Calabria, respectively with 11, 9% and 10.2%. Finally, on the islands of Sardinia stands at 4.5%, while Sicily 1, 5%.
The report stresses that the GSE production plants fueled by biomass showed an average annual growth of 11.1% in the period between 2004 and 2009 and one between 2008 and 2009 by 27.9%.
In particular, the production of solids is increased from 2004 to 2009 the average annual rate of 5.9%, while that from biogas 8, 3%.
The production from bioliquids amounted to 1,447.8 GWh between 2008 and 2009 has increased by 2,144%, because these systems began to be of importance since 2008 and in 2009 had a strong development.
The total production from biomass in the last 10 years has increased by 410%, with an average annual growth rate of 17.7%. The push is evident especially on the solid biomass and in the time period between 2001 and 2004, coinciding with the advent of incentive mechanisms (green certificates, feed-in tariff). In fact if, between 1999 and 2009, production from biogas increases at an average annual rate of 11.6%, the most conspicuous are changes in the municipal solid waste biodegradable equal to 17.3% and from solid biomass +17.0%.
For those wishing to explore the data for the various types of biomass can download the book "Biomass - Statistical Report 2009," on the site of the GSE
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