Integration of photovoltaic systems in buildings

The GSE has published on its website the second edition of the guide to interventions valid for the purposes of the recognition of the architectural integration of photovoltaics. The guide, available for download in pdf format and consultation has been prepared in accordance with the relevant ministries and by the Authority for Electricity and Gas. The primary objective is to provide a technical and operational support to the industry and to the individuals concerned about the types of interventions that can receive the recognition of architectural integration partial or total accordance with Decree 19 February 2007.




The guide opens, remembering precisely the target set by the Decree, namely 3000 MW of electric power produced by photovoltaic solar laconversione, to install and connect to the grid solar by 2016. It also recalls the importance of the energy bill as a means to encourage the production of energy through photovoltaic technology and to favor the integration of this technology in architecture and urban design of our cities. The aim of the guide is, in fact, also to underline how photovoltaic technology can, integrate with skylines of our cities, respecting the balance of aesthetic and artistic existing architecture.

The guide then goes for a definition of partial and total architectural integration, and then clarify what is meant by certified modules according to the law and what are the procedures to submit documentation to the GSE to get the feed-in tariff. It follows in this first part of a long introductory chapter which presents all the thirteen specific types of fully integrated systems (10) and part (3), showing both the mode of integration of the modules necessary for recognition of the integration, as well as examples concrete taken from the national and international architectural reality. Each type is, in fact, accompanied by a wide range of real images and patterns in order to facilitate the selection process of the projects to which it is possible to recognize the premium linked architectural integration and guide or inspire potential beneficiaries. The guide concludes with an indication of some case studies deemed unsuitable for the incentive rate request. Also in this case there are images taken from actual buildings, each of which correlates to a box in which is briefly explained why the proposed solution does not lend itself to be suitable for obtaining the incentive rate.




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